Thursday, October 9, 2008

GREEK FEST 09-06-08

We took a little trip downtown for the annual Greek Fest! There was some interesting people watching to say the least :-) We got in line to get some grub...which went around the block...and I was not sure what all the fuss was about! Seeing as the only thing I was looking forward to eating was, well I don't know, NOTHING! I would love to be one of those adventrous people who will eat anything...just not me! So as we are waiting in this huge line, we pass the same people a few times. It is one of those lines that wraps around and around! So don't you worry...if you missed the crazy guy with the kinda mullet in the sorta pony tail with the barley there side burns caked in eyeshadow and lipstick...we will see him/her again in just a few! (I tried to snap a pic but was not able to without being completly obvious) If this wasn't enough, we were given the wonderful opportunity of passing roasting lamb...not just part but the WHOLE lamb! Surprisingly enough when we go to the front of the line I had actually deceided to try a few things and I even liked some of them. After dinner, we walked around for a bit to check out all the booths. There was some beautiful jewlery and even some cute clothes!

WARNING...I did get a picture of the roasting lamb...view below at your own risk :-)